Meldebescheinigung - The Registration Certificate in Germany

The Registration Certificate (Meldebescheinigung) is a document that confirms your official address in Germany. You will need it for various purposes such as opening bank accounts, media & telecommunication contracts, receiving government benefits or even Indian passport services.

The Meldebescheinigung includes details such as given names, nationality, religion, date & place of birth, marital status, details of spouse & children and address. This document can be received multiple times from the city office upon request, for a fee of approx 10 euros.

Just follow the below steps:

  1. Book an appointment with the citizen’s office (Bürgerbüro) for Meldebescheinigung
  2. Take your Identity card i.e. passport
  3. Take 10 euros

From Experience!

  • Some cities, offer you the possibility to apply for the Meldebescheinigung online. Payment is to be done by direct debit and the document will be sent by post to your registered address. Here, be sure to mention the reason for application, else all required details may not be mentioned in the document.
  • You can book an appointment online to save time.
  • Payment can be done by cash or card.
  • In some cities, administrative offices (Bezirksverwaltung) also offer a range of services. Citizen’s office tends to get too crowded at times and hence visiting the administrative offices will help you get the job done faster.
  • Useful
  • Need More Info

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