If you received your residence permit on or after 1 January 2005 and live in Germany under the following conditions, you have a legal entitlement to attend the integration course:
- as an employee,
- for the purposes of family reunification,
- for humanitarian reasons,
- as a person who possesses the status of a long-term resident in accordance with section 38a of the Residence Act (Aufenthaltsgesetz - AufenthG),
You are permanently resident in Germany and have received a settlement permit in accordance with section 23 subsubsection (2) of the Residence Act for the first time.
You are NOT entitled to attend an integration course if:
- if you are a child, juvenile or young adult attending school in Germany,
- where it is recognised that you have little need for integration,
- if you already speak German at an adequate level (you may nevertheless attend an orientation course).
Obligation to attend an integration course
If you received your residence permit after 1 January 2005 and you cannot make yourself understood in German at a simple, adequate level, you must attend an integration course. The immigration authority will decide if attendance is obligatory when it issues the residence title to you.
If you receive unemployment benefit II and the office from which you receive unemployment benefit II requires you to attend a course, then you are also obliged to attend an integration course.
You are NOT be obliged to attend the course
- if you are in training or are attending/have attended a comparable education programme (e.g. further education, continuing education) in Germany.
- if long-term attendance at an integration course is impossible or unreasonable, for example if you have to look after a member of your family.
- if you are employed and unable to attend even a part-time course.
Source: Bamf.de