Get Paid for scrapping your old car - Applicable only to Coventry, UK Residents

Coventry council is working with Transport for West Midlands on a ‘Mobility Credits’ trial. In a national first, Coventry residents with an older, polluting car will be able to exchange their vehicle for mobility credits. The credits can be spent on public transport, as well as new transport modes such as car clubs, bikeshare or new bus services. Anyone taking part in the trial will be able to access their credits through a mobile app, which will allow them to plan, book and pay for journeys using mobility credits.


The trial is part of the West Midlands Future Transport Zone, a £22m programme which aims to investigate how new technologies can be used to support people moving around the West Midlands in a more sustainable way - reducing congestion, improving air quality and tackling climate change.

Visit this link for detailed info