Indian Expat Video Bloggers/ YouTubers

Hello All…

Welcome to Indians Abroad Community!!!

We at IAbroad aim to make life easier for Indians moving or planning to move to a new country. With this thread, we hope to offer people valuable sources to get acquainted with expat life in a country of their choice.

Some people like to be informed on various topics by reading, while others prefer to watch a quick video. This thread is for the latter! As expat Indians, we believe that the experiences and opinions of fellow expat Indians weigh more than anything else.

If you are an Indian YouTuber or Video Blogger, creating content on living life as an expat, leave a comment/ reply below with the following details:

  • Country of Residence
  • Introduction to YouTube Channel
  • Interests and topics covered
  • Website and other Social Media details

Note: All the above details should be mentioned in the comments/ replies.
Please do NOT post links to food, fashion or blogs covering topics other than expat life. If found, these will be deleted. You may however, create a new topic on this forum for the same. For eg. if you do movie reviews, create a topic under the category “off-topic” or if you are passionate about healthy food, create a topic under the category “Events & Lifestyle”.

Do you prefer writing than making videos? If you run a blog on expat life, do let us know here.


A huge shoutout to all the YouTubers/ Video Bloggers out there, who tell us their story and literally let us live their experience through their videos. Thank you for making life easier for people in a new country.

Let us get those cameras rolling !